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www.tamil Guddu Rangeela: The Musical Comedy of Two Brothers on the Run


Like its predecessor, Guddu-Rangeela is also inspired by a true event, the honour killing of Manoj and Babli who had an intercaste marriage in 2007. In the film however, Arshad Warsi, whose character is based on Manoj, lives to tell the tale. And since it is never known why, it appears to be just so the film could exist. There's nothing rangeela though about him, except his purple jacket that he dons during his local orchestra performances, where he sings devotional songs on social networking. The film has a high pitched start with the delightfully penned and composed Mata Ka Email (Irshad Kamil and Amit Trivedi, take a bow) and no one is complaining. But when the best part of the trailer comes in the very first minute of the film, it could well be a warning sign.

www.tamil Guddu Rangeela


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